Split.io Admin API wrapper

Release v1.2.1. (Installation)

Split.io is feature experimentation platform and it has it’s public API, allowing it’s customers to interact with their resources.

splitio-requests package makes it easy to interact with Admin API by wrapping endpoint requests and providing simplified way to access response data and much more.

Quick example on how to use it

>>> admin_api = AdminAPI("ADMIN_API_TOKEN")
>>> resp = admin_api.splits.get_split("awesome_split", "wsid-123")
>>> resp.status_code
>>> resp.json()
{"name": "awesome_split","description": "Great feature",...
>>> resp.url
>>> resp.headers
>>> bool(resp) # When request was successful

What’s great about splitio-requests is that it handles Split.io Admin API throttling system with polling and retires.

Those functionalities are configured by default but changes can be made by the user if necessary.

Other key features

  • Model classes for resources

  • Schemas and serializers for payload data validation

The User Guide